Community Standards
- The sole purpose of Gamer-Date is to help players, age 18 and older, build communities and meet friends, not to search for romantic partners or sexual relationships.
- Just be genuinely you. Don't create a fake account or pretend to be someone you're not, even if it's just for fun.
- Communicate Respectfully. Talking to new people can be tricky. Respect goes a long way.
- Consider boundaries. Comfort levels vary person to person. We don't allow nudity, sexual content, sexual desires, or looking for sex on your public profile. If you are in a private conversation, these are okay if everyone is okay with it. Consent matters.
- Share cautiously and thoughtfully. Don’t publicly broadcast your personal information or ways for people to connect with you (no public displays of things like phone numbers, emails, or social handles). Don’t ask others to send you their personal details either.
- We aim to promote positivity and won’t tolerate any sort of violent content that contains gore, death, images or descriptions of violent acts (against humans or animals), use of weapons, and anything advocating for or glorifying self-harm.
- Make personal connections, not business ones. Don’t advertise, promote, share your social handles to only gain followers, sell stuff, fundraise, or campaign.
- This is not a place to advertise for sex work.
- Harassment, threats, bullying, intimidation, extortion, blackmail, or anything intentionally done to cause harm is not allowed.
- Gamer Date is not a place for hate. We will never stand behind racism, bigotry, hatred, or violence based on who someone is, how they identify or what they look like. This includes (but not limited to) someone's race, ethnicity, religious affiliation, disability, physicality, gender, gender identity, age, national origin, or sexual orientation. If you see someone who doesn't meet your personal criteria, don't "like" them or "unmatch" and move on.
- Adults only. You must be 18 years of age or older to use Gamer Date. This also means we don't allow photos of unaccompanied or unclothed minors, including photos of your younger self, no matter how adorable you were back then.
- Abide by the law. No illegal content or activities are allowed, ever. This means you can't use Gamer date to buy or sell drugs or counterfeit goods, or ask for assistance to help you break the law. We definitely won't tolerate anyone using Gamer Date to advocate or participate in any sort of harm involving minors or human trafficking.
- One account per person. Each account can only have one owner.
- This is your space, post your own content. Don't post images or private messages from other people unless you've been given consent to do so.
- Don't post work that's copyrighted or trademarked.
- Don't abuse Gamer Date and don't use it to spread false or misleading info. Don't spam harmful links or unsolicited content. Don't create mass accounts. Don't use the app to manipulate, con, or get people to send you money or anything else. Don't submit misleading reports. Don't use third-party apps to unlock features or game the system.
As a member of the Gamer Date community, we encourage you to speak up and speak out. If someone is causing you harm, making you feel uncomfortable, or is violating our Community Guidelines, please report it. Your report is always confidential.
We take our Community Guidelines and the impact they have on our community seriously. We'll do everything we can to make sure people follow them. We reserve the right to investigate and/or terminate accounts if we find you have misused the Service or behaved in a way Gamer Date deems inappropriate, unlawful, or in violation of our Community Guidelines or Terms of Use, including actions or communications that occur off the Service but involve others you meet through the Service.
Contact Us
We're here to help! If you have any questions, concerns, or need to report any suspicious behavior on our site, our dedicated team is ready to assist you. Ensuring a safe and positive experience for all our users is our top priority, and we welcome your feedback to help us achieve this goal.
Fill out our online contact form with your message, and one of our staff members will get back to you as soon as possible.